One in three victims of family violence are male

Men's stories


If you are a male victim of family violence – intimate partner violence, violence from other family members, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, or other forms of family violence and abuse – this page is available for you to tell your anonymous story. Please click here to tell your own story. If you feel like you need support, please click here. Stories are moderated to prevent the posting of spam, so it might take a little while for your story to appear on this page.


Bruce's personal story

I left my violent wife nearly 3 years ago. I tried to be smart about it and sought psychology help and legal help before making the decision to leave wherein I knew that all hell would break loose. Despite the best efforts of the professional assistance I sought, we all underestimated just how reactive my now ex would become.

We have two young boys and of course they ended up in her primary custody. Child Safety and Family Assist have been involved multiple times due to her abuse of the children. I am about to launch interim orders at Family Court and will be self represented. For my children’s sake, I hope I am successful. I have a wonderful new partner who is a health care professional who has provided amazing assistance and support. If I am successful, I would be only too happy to help other men in the same situation.

One in Three Campaign