One in Three Campaign

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Anonymous personal story

I'm done, I'm broken. Raised the babies. Tried to protect them from the abuse. She just clicked her fingers and took my soul, my reason for living. The courts and the people within the system helped her and swept my story (and the children's) off the table. I'm done. I'm broken. When I see the posters and the adverts saying how valued dads are - I feel sick. I am turning into a misogynist. I will probably go the way she wants me to go. To all the men out there - give up! Do not bother with the courts. The lawyers just work out how much money you have and take it from there. The woman always wins. All she has to do is not engage. The courts (as we were informed) do not award 50/50 if there is no cooperation. My children are stressing. I've been told to ‘keep a diary’ but no one cares. Gutted and broken. I'm done.